Interview Scripts
Mr Moller
Webmaster's note: Full name
and personal details removed by request. 10/2/2006
We DID interview Mr Moller, but...
If you could be any vegetable, what would you be?
(long pause) A vegetable? I can't be a vegetable. Why? I dunno. I don't, uh...
You have to pick one...
A vegetable... (long pause) a vegetable. I don't know. Don't care. Carrot.
Mr Inness
Webmaster's note: Full name and personal details removed
by request. 10/2/2006
If you were a vegetable, what would you be?
An apple, I think.
Why? That's not a vegetable, that's a fruit...
That's the point. I don't think I'd be a vegetable... I dunno I can't think of
any vegetable I'd be...
Mr -----
Webmaster's note: Name and
other personal information removed
by request. 10/2/2006
Reproduced from the back pages of Yearbook, and includes
the photos of some of us while we were still *cute*
If you were a vegetable, what would you be?
No, no, no...
Come on!
No, no, no, no, no. By definition, I would be a zucchini. Damn. Yep. Remind
me to kill you later...
Year Advisor, Mr Brewster
Webmaster's note: Full name
and personal details removed by request. 10/2/2006
If you were a vegetable, what would you be and
Potato, because I love chips. I love French fries.