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Note: This page has been retained for archive purposes only, and is no longer maintained. Enoch Lau's current site can be located at http://www.nointrigue.com/.


In the previous versions of the website, I hosted blogs right here, but because that was proving to be rather inefficient (all the relinking I had to do everytime I wrote something new!), there was a real disincentive to write (I hadn't written for over one and a half years >.<)... so it's now hosted at the one-click blogging place, BlogSpot:

And a fantastic feature that I could never have provided here is that you can now post comments on my blogs, anonymously or, if you dare, with your real name.

Although most people use a blog like their diary, I really wouldn't want to write all that kind of stuff up there (and would you want to read it??). So, don't fear — your favourite commentary on the world presented to the world will still be around.

Old blogs have been taken offline, because I couldn't be bothered reformatting them to the new template, and being last updated in March 2004, they're getting rather irrelevant. So let's start afresh with a blank slate.


weapons of mass destruction?


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