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Note: This page has been retained for archive purposes only, and is no longer maintained. Enoch Lau's current site can be located at http://www.nointrigue.com/.

Features and Specials

The Features & Specials section of the website is for the little odds and ends that don't really go anywhere else... and for anything special that I might happen to host in the future.


archived material

The Archived Materials section contains relics from the past that are worth keeping for historical interest. Currently, there are past articles from the Fortian magazine and NotaBene, as well as old websites of mine.

funny images

The Funny Images section contains the most inane and humorous images to be found anywhere in the world that I've collected over time. Loosen up and button up for some serious fun.


The reviews section contains reviews of things that I happen to want to write about, including software, hardware, books, movies and even websites. There isn't much written up at the moment though.



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